
Friday, February 03, 2006

main.html page has changed

As "an half quarrel" noted the page has changed.

The source code now reads:

Gfnwjw and img src="goldbug.jpg"
so... ______


At February 03, 2006 9:07 PM, Blogger John Farquhar said...

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At February 04, 2006 12:02 PM, Blogger John Farquhar said...

Poe's "Gold Bug" includes a message which is solved via letter substitution, but not a simple Caesar Shift. A single word, though, would leave many possibilities. I have trying to find my Gold Bug story to see if the same letter substitution would work for gfnwjw.

Another idea is that gfnwjw makes up the first letters in a phrase.

At February 06, 2006 9:00 PM, Blogger John Farquhar said...

The cipher in Gold Bug begins with these substitutions:

5 represents a

† " d

8 " e

3 " g

4 " h

6 " i

* " n

‡ " o

( " r

; " t


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